Onlangs bedacht de Austalische supermarktketen Coles dat ze klanten konden lokken door op Twitter de zin: 'In my house it's a crime not to buy...'af te laten maken. Op AFN staat te lezen wat er vervolgens gebeurde:

Within minutes, several Twitter users took up the invitation and responded with sentences that referred, in very critical tones, to the ongoing ‘price war’ Coles is engaged in with rival supermarket chain Woolworths.
One tweet sarcastically read, “In my house it’s a crime not to buy fruit and veg from a place that pays their farmers fair prices and sells seasonal produce not stored in a freezer or artificially ripened.”

Within an hour, recognising its own blunder, Coles posted another ‘tweet’ to the website saying, “It’s a social media crime not to…finish a sentence yourself. Sorry guys that post was not meant for Twitter!”

Gevat opgepakt. Mooi. Over dus naar het echte onderwerp: wat willen wij - consumenten - wél van een twitterende super?

Misschien moeten we het daar eens over hebben.

Fotocredits: twitteraccount Coles