Stel je voor dat het 1990 is en je vraagt je af wat Internet in 2016 voor ons leven zal betekenen. Wij gaan in 2016 nadenken over de nieuwe wereld waar Big Data in voedselproductie, -verwerking en -verkoop en onze gezondheid tot 2036 voor kan gaan zorgen. Ook denken we na over de randvoorwaarden waar we het over moeten hebben. Van wie zijn die data eigenlijk en wie mag er wat onder welke condities iets meedoen?

Daar kun je het maar beter zo vroeg en breed mogelijk in de samenleving over hebben. Ook Food Matters Live uit Londen is in die vragen geïnteresseerd. Logisch dus dat we hebben aangekondigd samen te werken.

Food Matters Live decided to partner with Foodlog. This year we’ll investigate the brave new world that comes along with Big Data.

We expect Big Data to provoke quite a revolution in many fields, amongst which nutritional research, both consumer and retail marketing, agriculture, food processing, dieting, genomics and the power people have over their choices. The bit travels through the food chain and enables everyone to work back and forth to make it better. Three scenario’s come to mind:
1. Big Data could be the final push, shifting the balance of power definitively into the hands of suppliers
2. Big Data could shift the balance of power into the hands of consumers
3. Big Data could create a world in which consumers and suppliers of knowledge, networks and food develop a new kind of symbiosis based on their mutual interests, interdependence and co-operation

What are the topics we expect to come up in the next 5-10 years, and the 10-20 years thereafter? If people own their own data, what do they get in return from those who develop services on the basis of that ownership? Is ‘being watched’ on the basis of patterns you fit into eery or wonderful? Under what conditions?

These are examples of the questions we plan to address. We’ll cover them by launching questionnaires in the coming two months, both on Foodlog and on Food Matters Live. Our journey is called 'Project A-Z'. We’d like to chart how a bit of information travels form field to fork in a food wonderland waiting for us to be explored in a truly forward looking manner.

We’ll present and discuss the first results at the Live Event of Food Matters Live.

Met bovenstaande tekst kondigden we onze samenwerking aan op de site van Food Matters Live. We zijn te vinden in stand 437 tijdens Food Matters Live, London, ExCel, 24-26 november. Binnenkort meer in dit theater.