foto: Mark Eveleigh

Ik ben 'in den vreemde' om daar rustig te kunnen werken en dus niet voortdurend online. Had dit opmerkelijke nieuws helemaal gemist: maar liefst 2 miljoen Britten loopt met plannen rond om een eigen wijnkelder onder het huis te laten maken! De wijnkelder lijkt de flatscreen TV in populariteit te verdringen, aldus The Manchester Evening News.

1 op de 10 wijnminnende Britten is al een eind op weg en blijkt te beschikken over een eigen wijnklimaatkoelkast.

Prima nieuws bovendien voor banken die - met een krediet - een verbouwing kunnen adviseren. Immers, een goede kelder kost gemiddeld zo'n 7000 pond, maar kan tot bijna het dubbele aan de waarde van een huis toevoegen.

Het onderliggende artikel is te vinden in The Manchester Evening News (met dank aan!)

Reden om het op te nemen is de vraag: zijn we op weg naar een andere eet- en drinkcultuur, is het massa-publiek bezig met een snobbish inhaalslag of is het een combinatie van beide?
M.n. in the UK, met zijn dramatische eetverleden, is goed eten en drinken een teken van 'erbij horen' aan het worden.

Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat in Nederland iets soortgelijks speelt. En dan komt het al snel: drinken is niet genoeg, je moet het tastbaar kunnen maken én laten zien. Wine cellars hit British wish list - Saturday, 22nd July 2006

Forget flat screen TVs or flashy coffee machines, the latest home 'must have' is a personal wine cellar.

A new report predicts a massive increase in wine cellar living with up two million people planning to drill down into their basements, build into cupboards under stairs or fit high tech wine fridges to add wine-keeping gadgetry to their homes.

Keen to add value and a new lifestyle element to homes, the report found that many Brits are eager to have their own slice of a mini wine empire.

With an estimated 14 million people in the UK buying wine to lay down rather than drink immediately, researchers say it is no surprise that wine cellars are on the `wish list' for many people.

For many the dreams have already turned into reality with one in ten wine buffs already saying a wine cellar or special fridge takes pride of place in their homes.

The report by finance giant Standard Life says wine cellars can also add value to the right home.

Experts estimate a specially build cellar costing about £7,000 can add between £10,000 and £15,000 to a property.

Estate agents say a wine cellar also make a property more saleable.

Ashley Ramsay, marketing manager of Standard Life Bank, said: "Increasing numbers of people are choosing to stay at home and entertain, and wine often plays a key part in that socialising.

"Our research shows that 40 per cent of people storing wine plan to serve it at a dinner party, while a third will give it to friends and family.

"As people turn their homes into entertainment hubs, it is no wonder that wine cellars, once the preserve of stately mansions in the country, are in demand.

"We expect increasing numbers of people to build wine cellars, adding value to their home.

"Paying for a home is no longer considered a headache and our research shows that a significant number of those planning to buy or build a wine cellar would fund it with their mortgage."

For the rest of the nation's wine squirrellers, wine storage is more ad hoc.

One in six uses the garage to stack up their quality vintages, one in 10 stores them alongside the mop and polish and 48 per cent expose their bottles to fluctuating temperatures in kitchens and dining rooms.

But not having the right wine storage can be risky.

Matt Skinner, wine expert and author of the book Thirsty Work, said: "Great wine is a valuable asset made even greater provided you've got the right place to store it - and we're not talking under the bed, in the clothes cupboard, or next to the hot water system.

"Wine is a living breathing thing sensitive to excessive light, vibration and dramatic fluctuations in temperature. "Whether it's for love or money, if your wine collection is valuable to you, a proper wine storage solution is a must."

Wine lovers in homes without existing cellars are increasing choosing to install undergraound storage units like those provided by Spiral Cellars.

These inolve making a three-metre hole in a floor and installing a concrete lining with enough space for up to 1,600 wine bottles which are kept at a constant cool temperature.

Lucy Hargreaves, director of Spiral Cellars, said: "The demand for our cellars is increasing rapidly.

"During the 1990s we were installing around 50 cellars a year, by the end of this year we will have installed 185 in 2006 alone.

"Over the last two years our customers have shifted from very serious wine connoisseurs, to an increase in young 30-somethings who enjoy good quality wine, and older customers rewarding themselves with a well earned gift.

"Our prospective clients are viewing the purchase of a cellar as less of an extravagance and more of an investment. Paul Jarman, of estate agents Savills, said: "For a larger property, a wine cellar appears to be a very sound investment and excellent value.

"It adds another dimension when it comes to selling a house."

According to latest figures 33 million Britons drank wine or Champagne in the past year.

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