Animal meat production and consumption comes with a lot of problems and suffering, for the animals themselves, the environment, and even for human health. Why then does it seem so difficult to make the transition to a society that consumes substantially less meat? What are the barriers, where are the roads ahead? Could cultured meat be the game changer in this process?

With contributions from prof. dr. Tiny van Boekel (WUR), Corinne Cornelisse (fractiemedewerker Tweede Kamerfractie Partij voor de Dieren) and Dick Veerman (Foodlog).

Studium Generale Wageningen UR
Datum: di 10 juni 2014
Tijd: 20:00 tot en met 22:00
Locatie: Impulse, gebouwnummer 115, Stippeneng 2 115, 6708 WE Wageningen, 0317 48 28 28
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