Vandaag het nieuws van 29 juni. Hier vind je onze voorgaande selecties.

In de commentaren kunnen we samen het Corona-effect duiden.

De BBC signaleert de onzekerheid waarin de wereld verkeert (3.10): With the coronavirus pandemic reaching a global total of 10m cases, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of a dangerous new phase in the crisis.
While many countries in western Europe and Asia have the virus under some degree of control, other regions of the world are now seeing the disease spread at an accelerating rate.

It took three months for the first one million people to become infected, but just eight days to clock up the most recent million.

And because these numbers only reflect who has tested positive, they're likely to be "the tip of the iceberg", according to one senior Latin American official.

1. Scheuren in de voedselketen

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2. Angst en gezonder leven / eten

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3. Onzekerheid

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4. Individu versus samenleving: wie gaat voor?

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5. Relatie oost-west en geopolitieke verhoudingen

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6. Europa: één of verder verdeeld

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7. De exit: hoe unlock je de lockdown?

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8. Democratie, rechten en redelijkheid

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9. Recessie of depressie

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